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Debbie Savage- I am an AJNA Wellbeing Ambassador + Introducing their BOOTY Resistance Bands!

Debbie Savage- I am an AJNA Wellbeing Ambassador + Introducing their BOOTY Resistance Bands!

Getting Active

I have always been passionate about health and wellbeing, and my love for total fitness was one of the main reasons for starting my blog five years ago. My mom instilled in me the healthy pursuit for total wellbeing by taking me alongside her to aerobics classes when I was a teen, communicating an appreciation for healthy behaviors and building helpful habits into my everyday life. This was the catalyst for my lifestyle blog and my passion for health. I want to inspire women to feel and look their best because I believe lasting wellness springs from the inside.

During graduate school, I studied health education at Utah State University, teaching fitness classes for undergraduates and staff. I also taught fitness classes at the local athletic club and water therapy for physically and mentally disabled people. I was already so passionate about making others feel good, and I learned that moving your body is the first step in accomplishing that. Upon graduation, I worked for the American Cancer Society as a health educator and taught young people in the Los Angeles area cancer prevention methods such as daily exercise, nutrition and staying tobacco-free. It was so satisfying to me to teach those kids the importance of healthy practices and a balanced lifestyle.

A Holistic Approach

Then, when I became a full-time mother, I continued to nurture my passion for fitness by teaching aerobics classes and water aerobics on the side, sharing my enthusiasm for wellness. Fast forward several years to the present: as a busy mother and entrepreneur of two businesses, I realized the importance of holistic health. This is where my holistic journey began. After giving birth to three amazing kids and watching my body morph while I dealt with the recovery processes of different surgeries along with the stress of managing a family and a business, I noticed these things had taken a toll on my body and mind.

The universe has been gently tutoring me to learn how to care for myself. The younger me defined wellness by physical characteristics like body fat percentages, speed in running, and the heaviness of the weights that I could lift. I was oblivious to the necessity of stretching, meditation, and rest. The lack of these things had begun to negatively impact my body. I am so grateful for this realization. Now, I understand and honor my body. Our bodies tell us so many things... but frequently, we don't listen. When I am tired, I slow down and if I can, I will take a nap. If I am feeling overwhelmed, I take a breather and mindfully tell myself I got this and everything is okay. When I am sore or achy, I ask myself did I stretch enough and/or am I consuming too much sugar? And when I think about my week ahead, I make sure to incorporate holistic practices that are so important to me, like walking in nature, stretching, yoga, mediation and prayer as well as my favorite modes of exercise: weight lifting and toning.

You Are Worth It

I don't know where you are in life, but if you are anything like me, you may be in the thick of things, juggling motherhood, striving to achieve healthy work/life balances, and sometimes failing miserably. Then again, you may be retired and starting from square one in your wellness journey. You may be in high school and wanting to learn more ways to feel great, a new mom who's desperate for easy ways to exercise, or a working professional trying to #adult and make time for yourself. There's every chance that you represent one or more of these different desires and life experiences. One thing for sure is that women are amazing! We are equipped for any challenge and we don't often see what impact we are making because sometimes we can be really hard on ourselves. Worse, we often forget to take time out for ourselves.

My mission is to inspire you to take the time necessary to care for yourself. I truly believe that your wealth is your health. You must prioritize time each day for yourself. Most days of the week (and I am referring to 5-6 times a week) I carve out time in my daily schedule to exercise. It could be walking around the lake near my home, hitting the gym, taking a yoga class, or completing my home workout using my favorite fitness accessory: my AJNA Booty Resistance Bands to tone and sculpt my lower body. I will be the first to say you don't need a fancy gym membership to get healthy. It can all be done from the comfort of your home with just a few tools. And don't forget that an important component to any fitness plan is focusing on your holistic health by caring for your physical, mental, spiritual, and social needs. Each of these affect your overall health. The good news is that AJNA Wellbeing can help you navigate all this.

AJNA Ambassadorship

I am proud to announce my partnership with AJNA Wellbeing! As a former certified personal trainer, group fitness instructor, and graduate of health education - there is no question in my mind how paramount it is to take matters into your own hands and actively care for your health. Health is more than just a number on a fitness app or scale. Honestly, it is not measured quantitatively by numbers, but by the quality of your life. It requires tapping into your intuitive spirit. You know exactly what you need. AJNA understands this too, and they have the best tools to meet your physical, mental, spiritual, and social needs. They are truly the total package - and so are you, girl! I am so grateful to join AJNA Wellbeing in their mission to optimize your health and happiness.

The goal of each AJNA product is to tap into your body's innate intelligence, allowing you to grow and thrive at your fullest capacity. What I love is that their product offerings are sustainable, not just for you, but also for the planet. I love a business with a heart. I am in total alignment to their mission and their holistic outlook as to how we can care for and nurture our bodies. AJNA Wellbeing will help your body, mind, and soul thrive, all while treading lightly on Earth. I am so excited to join them in teaching you how to practice self-care and self-compassion. We all need more of this in life. Let's take this ride together!

Booty Resistance Bands

If you have made it down here, thank you! Thank you for taking the time to read my story and my sweet connection to AJNA Wellbeing. I couldn't move forward without sharing my story, and there is more to come, too! Now, for what you have been waiting for... Introducing AJNA Wellbeing Booty Resistance Bands, the only resistance bands you will need to build, tone, and sculpt your lower body!

I have always had an athletic body and, to be honest, I did not always appreciate it. But, now as a busy mom of three in mid-life I understand how important it is to have muscles. Ladies, don't be scared of muscles. I am not talking about the crazy bodybuilding muscles you often see on female weightlifters. I am referring to having muscles on your body that are strong, flexible and toned (of course, if big muscles are your thing, that's great). This article here demonstrates how toned muscles help you build strength, enhance daily functions, improve your posture, boost your metabolism and immune system, not to mention increase your self-confidence! This is a total win!

Simple Tools

If you are looking for a new way to upgrade your workout, use resistance bands. They are an easy way to build and sculpt your body. AJNA Wellbeing Resistance Bands come in a set of three with different resistance levels. The three different resistance intensities are light, medium, and heavy. Each resistance band has an anti-slip grip that helps keep the bands in place while you exercise. It also has a handy carrying case which makes it perfect to travel with so you can use it at the gym, park, at work, or while on vacation. Plus, I love the chic animal print design.

The resistance bands are an effective way to burn fat and tone your muscles. Placing them around your thighs for squats helps you to monitor your form and offer the perfect amount of resistance to sculpt your booty and legs. You can also place them around your lower legs and ankles to target the muscles on the side of your body. I like to perform a set of 15-20 repetitions with a 15-30 second rest and repeat again another two or three times. Or I'll do a circuit type exercise, performing a sequence of pre-planned exercises and repeat it for 45 seconds, then rest for 15 before beginning with the next. Using this method, it only takes ten minutes to achieve a total body workout. Definitely stay tuned for this exercise video where I will share with you a series of movements to complete in just 10 minutes to target your lower body.

Empower Yourself

Do something today that will enhance your wellbeing. It can be as simple as journaling and writing down your thoughts (good and bad) to destress. Better yet, instead of scrolling through Instagram for 30 minutes or watching a show on Netflix, stand up and go for a walk, jog or fun run around your neighborhood or on your treadmill. Best of all, get your hands (or should I say booty?) on a set of AJNA Resistance Booty Bands and create the body of your dreams. A body that is strong, lean, and alive with positivity and joy. You got this! I am here for you.






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