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All Aboard The Konjac Sponge Train!

All Aboard The Konjac Sponge Train!

I may have jumped on the konjac sponge band wagon a little late, but despite my delayed reaction, I still feel compelled to share my discovery with you as if I were the first!


But first thing first...

What is a Konjac Sponge?
Konjac sponges have gained popularity in the Western world in the last few years, but the Japanese have taken advantage of their cleansing properties for over 1500 years (so…we were all a little late on the band wagon!). This could be a clue to how they achieve their flawless, porcelain-doll-esque skin.

Konjac, pronounced kon-yak, is a type potato native to Asia. It consists of over 95 percent water, and has a naturally alkaline composition, lending itself perfectly to skin care. The sponges are made from the root fibers of the plant, and are extremely gentle on the skin, so much so that they are even suitable for use on babies.

What benefits can you expect from a Konjac Sponge?

As gentle as they are, Konjac sponges are also great at removing impurities and lightly exfoliating the skin. They often come infused with green tea, clay, or charcoal, to help with certain skin types, but even without these additions, the natural ph level of the sponge will help to smooth, calm, and balance your complexion.

How to use your sponge

First, pick out the type of sponge to suit your skin type-
Green- Usually green tea, calming
Black- Usually Charcoal, removes impurities/detoxifying
Pink or Red- Usually clay, good for oily skin
White- Usually pure konjac root, perfect for sensitive skin

  • If your sponge doesn’t come pre-hydrated, you’ll need to soak it for about ten minutes the first time you use it. After that, it will only take a few seconds to rehydrate it.
  • If you’re wearing make-up, use a small amount of cleanser with your sponge. If not, you may just use the sponge in place of cleanser.
  • Use your sponge in gentle circular motions on your face or body. It is not necessary to use much pressure.
  •  When you’re finished, rinse your sponge well and squeeze out the excess water. Do not wring or twist your sponge.
  • Hang it to dry until it’s next use. 


Your sponge should last for about a month, after that it’s time to toss it and get a new one BUT here’s my favorite part…..

You can throw your old sponge in the compost with your fruit and vege scraps! It’s 100 percent biodegradable, so you can feel good about your skin, and your impact on the environment! Yay!

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