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Ajna Ambassador- Pia Lamberg

Ajna Ambassador- Pia Lamberg

We love connecting with strong, empowered women who live life to the fullest, and inspire others to do the same. Ajna ambassador, Pia Lamberg, is one such woman!

We interviewed her about her road to holistic living, her daily routines, and her most valuable life lessons.






Pia was born and raised in Juuka, Finland, a quiet town in the eastern countryside. Growing up, she never imagined a career in modeling or entertainment, but at age 20 she was convinced by some friends to enter a local beauty pageant. One thing led to another, and Pia was crowned Miss Finland 2011, later competing for the title of Miss Universe Sao Paolo, Brazil. 

After Miss Universe, Pia was signed by a major global modeling agency and moved to Los Angeles in 2012 to pursue modeling and acting. Since then, she has gained international recognition modeling for over 100 global brands like Corona, Nike, Adidas, John Frieda, Ole Henriksen, Mineral Air and Paula's Choice. She has been featured in dozens of commercials, including a Mercedes Benz Super Bowl commercial as well as, Quiznos, Dave & Busters and many more. You’ve also seen her at The Grammy’s as a Trophy model twice and in several Tosh.0 sketches.

Pia is most passionate about healthy and happy living. She is a certified personal trainer and a health coach. Pia loves to stay fit, eat healthy and motivate others to do the same! On her social media you can find her sharing workouts and healthy lifestyle tips alongside her modeling work. She also loves nature -  camping, hiking, going on road trips. After all, she is still that small town girl from Finland who longs for some fresh air and the peace of the outdoors. 



Pia uses her Ajnamat as part of her stretching and fitness routine


How did your journey into holistic health begin?

My holistic health journey has grown gradually over the years. I grew up in the countryside of Finland, being very connected to nature, and my parents brought me up with an organic and healthy lifestyle. After I became Miss Finland, I moved to Los Angeles to work as a model and quickly realized how important it was to find mental and spiritual balance in my new life abroad. I started exploring holistic health practices, like Reiki, and educated myself in the broader aspects of health and wellness. I’m now a certified personal trainer, health & nutrition coach, and I've found my passion for helping and motivating people to live happier and healthier lives!



Do you have any routines that keep you feeling good?

Every morning I start with a fresh cup of coffee, go outside and listen to the ocean and the birds sing. My cat Boba joins me, but he's more interested in the birds. 😸 I sometimes need to remind myself to stop and live in the moment, and I find it easiest to do that in the calm of the morning. I also do a morning workout 3 times a week and then I go outside and gently stretch in the sun on my Ajna acupressure mat. In the summertime, my favorite evening routine is to go dip in the ocean as the sun sets. 



Pia on her Ajna Wellbeing Meditation cushion 



Ajna is related to intuition. Can you think of a time that you listened to your intuition rather than other people’s opinions? 

When I moved to Los Angeles from Finland, I felt such a strong sense of home and belonging here (despite barely speaking any English 😂). But a lot of people in Finland doubted me and told me I couldn't succeed in LA-- I found it odd that total strangers wanted to discourage me.  Luckily I’ve always followed my own, sometimes very different path, with my intuition leading the way. And I'm so grateful for the journey it has taken me on.🙏 




If you could give one piece of advice to yourself ten years ago, what would it be?


I used to fall in love too quickly and then stay in relationships for too long. I didn’t know what I was looking for and fell for people that just weren’t on my wavelength. When you’re in love, you tend to focus on their best qualities and blur out the bad. I wish my younger self would’ve taken off the rose-colored glasses a little sooner! 



What’s your favorite Ajna product? 

If I can only pick one, I’d say the Eco Lite acupressure mat & pillow. That was my first Ajna product and it really helped with my lower back pain. Now that the pain is gone, it's become a part of my daily relaxation and recovery routine.



Shop Pia's fav Ajna product- The Ajna Eco Lite Acupressure Mat and Pillow



If you could share one message with millions of people, what would it be?

Live your life to the fullest - now! Live your life enjoying every moment of it. Tomorrow isn't guaranteed, and we're all so lucky to be on this beautiful planet!



Want to get to know Pia more? You can follow Pia here:

You can also join Pia's Online Training Group:



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