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Ajna Experts- Yogi Bryan

Ajna Experts- Yogi Bryan

This week's Ajna Expert breaks all the usual stereotypes that yoga conjures up, and does so with passion, humour, and enthusiasm! His charismatic approach to yoga, and making it a little more lighthearted, has gained him a loyal following on instagram and beyond. We loved getting to interview Bryan and hear his not so normal journey to yogi, yoga teacher, and even yoga podcast host!


His bio reads like this....


Yogi Bryan created an Instagram account @namaste_af on January 2016 with one purpose in mind: TO MAKE FUN OF YOGA. He had no clue about yoga when he started the Instagram page, but he knew that people took yoga too seriously. Bryan's absurd yoga related posts started to gain popularity instantly!

After just a few months later, Bryan was asked to host a yoga challenge on Instagram. He had no clue what to do so he reached out to a Yoga Instructor he had become friends with through the platform. The challenge was a success so Bryan figured he should actually learn yoga if he had a yoga Instagram account dedicated to it! The next week Bryan joined a yoga studio, and fell in love with the practice. Two weeks later he enrolled in Yoga Teacher Training and the rest is history.

Learn more about Bryan:

How did your journey into holistic health begin?  

My Dad is a retired Radiologist.  He introduced me to holistic medicine at an early age with books by Donna Eden and Andrew Weil.  He used to bring me to holistic events but I wasn’t interested when I was younger.  Only until recently I have been interested in holistic health after starting my @namaste_af Instagram to make fun of yoga.  I ended up falling in love with yoga and now love learning about holistic health.  

Do you have any routines that keep you feeling good?

I have a morning routine that keeps me feeling good physical and emotionally.  My morning routine consists of waking up at 430am, meditating for 20 minutes (using the Ajna cushion), writing an intention, gratitude list, and then taking a 30 min walk.  





What are your preferred ways to practice self care?

Yoga, meditation, journaling, and yoga nidra are my self care practices.

Ajna is related to intuition. Can you think of a time that you listened to your intuition rather than other people’s opinions? 

The more I meditate the more I listen to my intention.  It’s a balance for me.  If 3 people tell me the same feedback I listen to people but with everything else I trust my intention. 

If you could give one piece of advice to yourself ten years ago, what would it be?

I’d tell myself to start a consistent yoga and meditation practice. 

What’s your favourite Ajna product? 

Ajna meditation cushion.  I love all your products though but I use the cushion every single morning and the quality is amazing.  

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I loved this story!! What a journey- You just never know where life will take you!

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