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The Importance of Sleep

The Importance of Sleep

We are all about sleep at the moment! And with good reason seeing sleeping is one of the most important parts of our day. Not just because we enjoy curling up in a soft comfortable bed. It is because it is integral to the proper functioning of our body and mind, who both use sleep as a way to repair and restore themselves. Characterized by a complete reduction in physical and mental activity during which our body’s systems kick into an anabolic state, sleep is dictated by our circadian clock or cycle, a built-in timer that indicates the time to rest.

Of course, medical and scientific studies have shown that the optimal amount of sleep needed to ensure our bodies and minds are properly rested is roughly about eight hours daily. That amount of sleep would make sure that we go through both Rapid Eye Movement (REM) and non-REM sleep which help with recuperation and guarantees a restful sleep. There are a range of benefits to a maintained sleep schedule, including but not limited to maintaining your mood, memory, and cognitive performance, as well as stimulating both your endocrine and immune systems.

It comes as little surprise then that a good amount of sleep leads to a healthier mind and body. Likewise, the opposite it also true. A lack of proper sleep, let that be through reduced hours or an inability to fall into REM sleep can have nefarious consequences – especially if drawn out over a long period of time. Issues such as insomnia, narcolepsy, and sleep apnea are fairly common and can affect both your physical and mental wellbeing. Same goes for non-natural factors such as industrialized lighting, noise pollution or stress-driven insomnia.

An adequate amount of sleep is essential to optimal brain performance, therefore affecting your ability to learn, create memories, solve problems and maintain a healthy mental outlook. Continued inability to properly recover during sleep has in turn been linked to a rash of health issues, such as reduced brain function, anxiety, depression, headaches and physical limitations. This may help explain the mood swings, inability to focus as well as your impaired cognitive reactions you may experience after a poor night’s sleep.

But how else are you supposed to indulge in some beauty sleep if you are unable to maintain a proper sleep pattern? There are a range of remedies or life hacks people have adopted in order to give themselves a good night’s sleep, with all-natural supplements such as DREAM being one of the preferred methods. Other options, like the ones proposed by Harvard University revolve mostly around pre-sleep habits.

Reducing caffeine intake, making your room more sleep-friendly, starting a pre-sleep routine that deceases your activity levels as well as eating dinner earlier are just some of the recommendations put forward by Harvard. Holistic options like herbal treatments, acupuncture and mediation are also available for those who are struggling with insomnia or other types of sleep disorders. On the other hand, going forward with drugs such as sleeping pills or anti-anxiety medication is also a fairly common course of action for many, but the dangers associated with prolonged use point towards an unsustainable habit.

Supplements like DREAM are used to help reduce anxiety and restlessness, which in turn leads you to have a much more comfortable and deeper sleep. DREAM itself contains nothing but natural ingredients such as Goji Berries, Chamomile, Lemon Balm and Hops, all of which are natural calming remedies known to fight depression, reduce stress and help ease in sleep. In addition to revitalizing your body and mind with healthy natural ingredients, it enables you to have a better night’s sleep without having to deal with the negative side effects of a prescription drug sleep aid. 

Benefits have been known to increase with daily use of DREAM, which requires only one to two capsules a day to help give you a more satisfying and peaceful sleeping experience that will invigorate your soul. An FDA approved supplement that has been scientifically formulated with only non-GMO natural ingredients, DREAM brings all the benefits of a normal sleeping pattern in a pill.

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